1. This paper reports observations on the number of neoblasts in diploid and triploid planarian biotypes, the relation of this number to the size of the animal and the distribution of neoblasts with respect to the long axis of the animal.

  2. The number of neoblasts is a function of animal length for both diploid and triploid biotypes, but no significant difference was found between the biotypes. The combined data yield a regression equation of log. (number of neoblasts) = 1·90 log. (length) + 3·47.

  3. The distribution of neoblasts with respect to the long axis of the planarian was found to have two relative maxima, one anterior and one posterior to the intercalary minimum associated with the pharyngeal region of the animal.

  4. The relative position of the pharynx remains unchanged with growth in the triploid animal, in contradistinction to the progressive shift cephalad in the diploid. As statistical analysis showed no significant difference in the effects of the histological methods employed on the two biotypes, this observation is interpreted as a demonstration of different modes of growth in the diploid and the triploid.

  5. The volume of the planarian (in the fixed state) was correlated with the animal’s length (when alive) to yield a regression equation of log. (volume) = 2·62 log. (length) + 5·70. The slope of this regression equation is highly significantly different from that of the neoblast regression line. Thus larger animals have a lower density of neoblasts, although more of them.

  6. It is suggested that this latter observation may have some bearing on the problem of senescence in planarians.

  7. Counts of objects in serial sections are subject to an overestimate which can be corrected by the method of Abercrombie. This method, however, is based on an assumption which is not always valid. Therefore a more rigorous correction formula has been derived.

  8. This formula was then applied to the measurement of neoblast nuclear diameters (in the fixed state). No significant difference was found for nuclear diameters of diploid and triploid neoblasts.

The role of the planarian neoblast as a totipotential stem cell has been discussed in the literature for well over a century (cf. Brøndsted’s excellent review, 1955). It remained a matter of strong debate until 1949 when Dubois demonstrated conclusively the migration of neoblasts (through regions depleted of their neoblasts by radiation) to the surface of a wound. She showed that the onset of regeneration was delayed until the neoblasts reached the wound area, and that once they had arrived regeneration took place at the normal rate with the neoblasts actively dividing in and just posterior to the blastema. Since then many authors (the Brøndsteds, Stéphan-Dubois, Pedersen, Lender, the Benazzis) have studied the histochemistry, the distribution, and the factors which influence differentiation of the planarian neoblast in several species. Only Brøndsted & Brøndsted (1961) have reported on the total number of neoblasts in a planarian. This paper reports observations on the number of neoblasts in diploid and triploid planarians, the relation of this number to the size of the animal and the distribution of neoblasts with respect to the animal’s long axis.


The animals used for this study were the diploid (A) and triploid (B) biotypes (Benazzi, 1957) of a naturally occurring autopolyploid series of Dugesia lugubris (O. Schmidt). Only animals which had hatched from cocoons laid in the laboratory were used, so that the size of each animal could be taken as a measure of its age (cf. Reynoldson, 1961), i.e. the cell counts for small animals were not influenced by possible variations due to shrinkage of starved animals.

Measurement of size

The length of each planarian was measured by placing the living animal in a very shallow depth of water in a Petri dish directly on mm graph paper. At a magnification of × 10, the length of the animal was determined to the nearest 0·5 mm while it was swimming in a relaxed and extended condition.

Histological methods

Animals of various sizes were starved for 6 days before killing, in the relaxed and extended position, either with a drop of 2 % HNO3 (Hyman, 1924), or by placing the animal in a small drop of water between a glass slide and a No. 0 coverglass prior to fixation in Susa or Formol-Zenker. Specimens were serially sectioned (frontally) at 10 μ on a rotary microtome. The material reported on was stained with 25 % Azure B in pH 4·0 Mcllvainie’s buffer and differentiated in tert-butanol at 40 °C for 18-22 h (18 h for Susa-fixed material, 22 h for Formol-Zenker).

Azure B is specific for DNA and RNA and does not fade (Flax & Himes, 1952). RNA specificity was tested by RNase preincubation, resulting in a total absence of blue or purple staining material (RNA). The RNA specificity of a stain is an important aide in the recognition of neoblasts (Benazzi-Lentati, 1943; Pedersen, 1959). The neoblast is easily recognized due to its peculiar morphology, i.e. a nucleus of ∼ 7 μ diameter surrounded by a narrow (∼ 1 μ) band of RNA-rich cytoplasm.

Cell counts

Neoblasts, or parts of neoblasts, were recognized by their staining properties and all of them were counted at × 400. Twenty per cent of the sections (two every 100 μ along the cephalo-caudal axis of each planarian) were counted for twelve triploids and seven diploids. Serial sections were made of twenty-eight triploids and eleven diploids, but since there was good agreement between the results obtained from animals of the same size (live length), only two or three specimens of a given ploidy were counted for each size.

In order to check the reliability of the counts, slides were chosen at random for recounting. For small animals (2 mm live length) the median variation for one section and the variation in the total number of neoblasts summed over the recounted sections were both less than 5 %, while for large animals (10 mm live length) the variations were 12-13 % and < 0-5 % respectively.

Measurement of nuclear diameter

Measurements of nuclear diameters (the mean of two measurements, perpendicular to each other, per cell) were made at × 844 magnification with an ocular micrometer (Leitz) to the nearest 0·3 μ.

Measurement of planarian volume

The area of every twentieth section was measured at a magnification of × 187·5 with a Leitz eye-piece micrometer. The area of the parenchyma plus gut was obtained by subtracting the area enclosed by the pharynx sheath from that of the entire section. These areas were graphed against position on the anterior-posterior axis of the animal and volumes were obtained by measuring the area under the curves.

A. Reliability of data

Estimates of the number of neoblasts in a given interval along the anterior-posterior axis of a planarian, based on the 20 % sample taken, were not significantly different (P > 0·05) from those obtained by counting every section in that interval. The 20 % sample yields estimates of the number of neoblasts per slide within 10 % of the actual count, and summed over several slides the difference drops to ∼ 1 %. This is of the order of the variations found in recounts for large animals (10-12 mm), i.e. 12-13% for single sections and < 0-5 % for sums over several slides.

The number of neoblasts in any one section, or in any part of a serially sectioned planarian comprising more than one section, has been taken to be the number of neoblasts counted in that section or the sum of the number of neoblasts in each of the relevant sections. Corrections for overcounting due to some cells appearing in more than one section will be considered under Results, section D, and in the Appendix.

B. Total number of neoblasts in a planarian as a function of its length

The relationship between the length of a planarian and its total number of neoblasts is shown in Fig. 1. The data for diploids and triploids were handled separately and the best line for each set of data was fitted by the method of least squares. Graphing the data on Cartesian and on semi-logarithmic coordinate scales showed strong non-linearity, whereas if both variables were transformed logarithmically, linearity was evident. The equations for the two regression lines are :

where N is the total number of neoblasts per animal and L is the length, in mm, of the living animal.
Fig. 1.

Data points and regression lines for number of neoblasts per animal on length of animal when alive. The lower scale is obtained by applying Abercrombie’s correction to the crude count (upper scale). Each point represents one animal (12 triploids and 7 diploids). ○, Diploid (dashed line); ×, triploid (dotted line); pooled data (solid line).

Fig. 1.

Data points and regression lines for number of neoblasts per animal on length of animal when alive. The lower scale is obtained by applying Abercrombie’s correction to the crude count (upper scale). Each point represents one animal (12 triploids and 7 diploids). ○, Diploid (dashed line); ×, triploid (dotted line); pooled data (solid line).

Analysis of variance (Bennett & Franklin, 1954) for linearity of regression yielded F values of 369 for the diploids (F1,10,0.005 = 22·8) and 534 for the triploids (F1,5,0.005 5 = 12·8), indicating that the probability of obtaining such a degree of linearity by chance is much less than 0·005.

The significance of the differences in slope and intercept of the two regression lines were examined by means of the t-test, yielding a t value for the slope difference of t15 = 0·2173 (P > 0·7) and a t value for the intercept difference of t15 = 1·2373 (P > 0·1). Thus the number of neoblasts in a diploid planarian of a given size is not significantly different from that in a triploid of the same size.

Combining the results for diploid and triploid animals yields a regression equation of

C. Antero-posterior distribution of neoblasts

In order to be able to compare the antero-posterior distribution of neoblasts in animals of various sizes over a wide range of neoblast numbers and planarian lengths, both variables had to be normalized. The independent variable, length, was normalized by taking class intervals of 10 % of the total (fixed) length. The dependent variable was normalized by setting the area under the distribution curve for each animal equal to one, i.e. for each class interval the proportion of the animal’s total neoblast count appearing in that interval was recorded. The agreement of distribution curves between animals of the same size and ploidy was good, as is shown, e.g. by the data for 12·0 mm triploids, in Table 1. The next row gives for each interval the mean of the proportions of neoblasts found in that interval; and the following row, the standard deviations of those means. The two maxima, one in the third and fourth intervals and the other in the eighth interval, with an intercalary relative minimum in the sixth and seventh intervals, are characteristic for the triploid Dugesia lugubris.

Table 1.

A, diploid; B, triploid; E, eyes; Phx, pharynx; G, genital pore.

A, diploid; B, triploid; E, eyes; Phx, pharynx; G, genital pore.
A, diploid; B, triploid; E, eyes; Phx, pharynx; G, genital pore.

In Fig. 2 we see that the normalized distribution curves for 2·0, 3·0, 5·0, 8·0 and 12·0 mm long triploids are nearly superimposable, the relative minimum corresponding to the position occupied by the pharynx occurring in the sixth and seventh intervals for all sizes. In contradistinction to the near superimposability of the triploid distribution curves for all sizes, the diploids show a distinct progressions in the position of the pharynx as the animals increase in size (Fig. 3). The pharynx moves from the seventh interval in the 2·0 mm animal (freshly hatched) to the sixth interval in the 5·0 mm animal (immature), to the fifth interval in the 10·0 mm animal (sexually mature adult). The pattern to pre- and post-pharyngeal maxima with a pharyngeal relative minimum, however, is also found for the diploid.

Fig. 2.

Percentage of a (triploid) planarian’s neoblasts to be found in each 10% interval in length along the cephalo-caudal axis. Each point represents the mean for two or three animals. The arrows show the anterior and posterior limits of the pharynx (phx). +, 12 mm; ▵, 8 mm; ×, 5 mm; ○, 3 mm; ▿, 2 mm.

Fig. 2.

Percentage of a (triploid) planarian’s neoblasts to be found in each 10% interval in length along the cephalo-caudal axis. Each point represents the mean for two or three animals. The arrows show the anterior and posterior limits of the pharynx (phx). +, 12 mm; ▵, 8 mm; ×, 5 mm; ○, 3 mm; ▿, 2 mm.

Fig. 3.

As Fig. 2, but for diploid planarians. The arrows show the anterior and posterior limits of: E = eyes, Phx = pharynx, GP = genital pore. ○, 10 mm; ×, 5 mm; ▿, 2 mm.

Fig. 3.

As Fig. 2, but for diploid planarians. The arrows show the anterior and posterior limits of: E = eyes, Phx = pharynx, GP = genital pore. ○, 10 mm; ×, 5 mm; ▿, 2 mm.

In order to estimate the possibility that the distribution differences or similarities for various sized animals might be artifacts due to different degrees of shrinkage for different sized animals during fixation and processing, Olmstead & Tukey’s corner test for association (1947) was employed. No significant association was found (P > 0·1) between size of animal when alive and the ratio of fixed/live length (i.e. degree of contraction) for diploids only, triploids only, or the combined data. The mean degree of contraction was 51 % with a standard error of ± 1-5 %. Thus it is unlikely that the distributions reported above were influenced by the histological methods employed.

D. Corrections for multiple counting

The method of Abercrombie (1946) was employed to correct for the possibility of counting a cell in more than one serial section. However, as Abercrombie assumed that errors due to the difference between cell diameter and cell diameter as measured in sections are negligible, a more rigorous formula has been derived and is discussed in the Appendix. For the conditions reported, this correction amounts to only 1 %, but for other conditions, this correction need not be negligible. The value of Abercrombie’s correction factor for diploids was found to be the same as that for triploids. Thus the relative positions of the points for diploids and triploids (Fig. 1) remain unchanged, a simple shift of scale giving the true number (lower scale) instead of the absolute count.

E. The volume of a planarian (fixed, state) as a function of its length

The relationship between the length of a triploid planarian and its volume (minus that enclosed by the pharynx sheath) is shown in Fig. 4. The line was fitted by the method of least squares. Analysis of variance shows significant linearity (P < 0·05). The regression equation

Fig. 4.

Data points and regression line for parenchyma and gut volume upon length of animal when alive. Each point represents the mean value obtained from two or three animals.

Fig. 4.

Data points and regression line for parenchyma and gut volume upon length of animal when alive. Each point represents the mean value obtained from two or three animals.

has a slope of 2·62 which is highly significantly different from that for the neoblast regression line (t10 = 4·01 ; P < 0·01). Thus the number of neoblasts in a planarian rises with length at a slower rate than does the parenchymal + gut volume, so that larger animals have a lower density of neoblasts, although more of them.

Lender & Gabriel (1960) have published a neoblast distribution curve for Dugesia lugubris, presumably of biotype B (triploid), the type commonly found in northern Europe (Benazzi, 1957), serially sectioned at 5 μ. They counted five sections at each of 23 sites along the antero-posterior axis of the animal. Regraphing their data, connecting the points with straight lines and integrating the area under the curve yields as an estimate of the total number (absolute count) of neoblasts in their 8 mm (measured when alive) animal, 2·00 x 105 cells. Applying Abercrombie’s correction (5/(7 + 5) = 41 %) gives the corrected total as 8·2 x 104 cells. This is within 13 % of our corrected number of neoblasts for an 8 mm triploid (7·3 x 104). The distribution curves presented here differ from that of Lender & Gabriel in that instead of two maxima prepharyngeally, we find one major maximum prepharyngeally and another smaller maximum post-pharyngeally. The shape of our distribution curve is more like those of Brøndsted & Brøndsted (1961) for D. lacteum and E. torva. We did find a small relative maximum just posterior to the eyes, but this was swamped by the rising prepharyngeal maximum. The distribution curves presented here are also in agreement with the qualitative description of Pedersen (1959) for Planaria vitta. The fact that our estimate of the total number of neoblasts in Lender & Gabriel’s material agrees as well as it does with our own suggests that the differences in the distribution curves might be due to different fixation methods, as the Brøndsteds used Zenker, and formol-Zenker or Susa, whereas Lender & Gabriel used 80 % ethanol or Carnoy. Pedersen (1959) notes that Carnoy fixation alters the shape of the neoblast. Stéphan-Dubois (1961), using the methods of Lender & Gabriel, studied the neoblast distribution off), lacteum. The shape of her distribution curves (7-8 sections counted at each of six sites for three animals of ≈ 10-11 mm length) differs from that of the Brøndsteds for D. lacteum and from those of the present report and that of Lender & Gabriel for D. lugubris. The number of neoblasts per half-section, which Stéphan-Dubois publishes, when corrected with Abercrombie’s correction (from her photograph of D. lacteum neoblasts, the measured nuclear diameter is ≈ 5 μ) yields (in units of neoblasts per 10 μ section), 271 in the region of the brain, 397 post-cephallically but within the first 10 % interval, 385 in the third 10 % interval, 440 between the fifth and sixth intervals (region of the pharynx), 397 in the seventh interval (postpharyngeal) and 225 in the ninth interval. The differences between these counts and the present ones for corresponding positions in a 12 mm D. lugubris, do not differ by more than 25 % of the sum of the corrected number of neoblasts at each level for both species. Thus the counts of the Brøndsteds and those of Stéphan-Dubois do not agree with each other. This difference is difficult to reconcile in view of the fact that the total counts obtained by Brøndsted & Brøndsted for D. lacteum and E. torva (3·78 × 104 and 3·13 × 104, respectively) of 15 mm live length are almost an order of magnitude lower than the extrapolated value for D. lugubris (Fig. 1). Also, their method of correcting for double counting would tend to give values higher, rather than lower, than the actual number, thus diminishing, rather than enhancing, this difference.

The constancy of the relative position of the pharynx in triploids from 2 mm (just hatched) to 12 mm (cocoon-laying adult) in length as opposed to the shift forward in the diploids is unlikely to be a fixation artifact as planarians of all sizes (for the fixatives used) shrank to the same percentage of their live length. This implies a difference in mode of growth between diploids and triploids. It would seem that triploids grow uniformly, whereas diploids grow more from the post-pharyngeal than from the pharyngeal end. The diploid pharynx shift was also observed in animals not used for the neoblast counts.

The observation that the volume of D. lugubris B (excluding that of the pharynx, although its inclusion would not alter the conclusion) increases with length at a faster rate than does the total number of neoblasts implies that the overall density of neoblasts in a large animal is lower than that in a small animal. This could have some bearing on the problem of senescence in planarians. A large animal is physiologically ‘old’ with respect to regeneration ability (head frequency), whereas if it is starved or cut in half to regenerate, the reproportioned individual (after completion of morphallaxis) becomes physiologically ‘young’.

The distribution curves for fixed total volume were, in general, uniform in pattern, rising smoothly to a maximum in the fifth 10 % interval and then dropping caudally.

The distribution curves of the ratio of % neoblasts/ % volume for each 10 % interval along the antero-posterior axis were rather variable but had a general pattern. In the 5, 8 and 12 mm long triploids, the ratio for the head (1st 10 % unit) was 1·0, increasing with length from 1·14 (5 mm animal) to 1·75 (12 mm animal). The ratio decreases posteriorwards from the first interval, is a minimum in the fifth or sixth interval (0·72 = 0·78), then rises until the eighth interval, and finally falls for the 5 mm animal, levels off for the 12 mm animal and continues rising for the 8 mm animal.

Reynoldson (1961) found that newly hatched D. lugubris (2·5 mm long) grow, when fed once a week under laboratory conditions, at a rate of 2·5 mm per 4 weeks, and shrink, on starvation at a summer temperature, at a rate of 2·0 mm per four weeks. As Lender & Gabriel (1961) state that in 2-months-starved D. lugubris (reduced to two thirds of their length) the shrinkage is not due to the loss of the neoblasts, it would be interesting to see quantitative data as to whether or not the number of neoblasts in a starved animal is, in fact, the same as the number that it would have had, had it not been starved.

Etude quantitative du nombre et de la distribution des néoblastes chez Dugesia lugubris (Planaire’) en fonction de la taille et de la ploïdie

1. Ce travail est consacré à des observations qui ont été effectuées sur le nombre des néoblastes chez des planaires diploïdes et triploïdes, sur la relation entre ce nombre et la taille de l’animal, ainsi que sur la distribution des néoblastes le long de l’axe principal du corps.

2. Le nombre des néoblastes est fonction de la longeur de l’animal chez le diploïdes comme chez les triploïdes, mais il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les deux biotypes. L’ensemble des faits observés donne la relation suivante : log (nombre des néoblastes) = 1,90 log (longueur)+ 3,47.

3. La distribution des néoblastes le long de l’axe principal de la planaire a deux valeurs maximales, l’une en avant, l’autre en arrière du minimum intermédiaire qui se situe au niveau de la région pharyngienne de l’animal.

4. La position relative du pharynx ne change pas au cours de la croissance de l’animal triploïde; au contraire, chez le diploïde, le pharynx subit un glissement progressif vers la région céphalique. Comme l’analyse statistique n’a donné aucune différence significative en ce qui concerne les méthodes histologiques utilisées pour les deux biotypes, cette observation est interprétée comme une démonstration de modes de croissance différents chez les diploïdes et les triploïdes.

5. Le volume de la planaire (à l’état fixé) est lié avec la longueur de l’animal (vivant) par la relation suivante: log (volume) = 2,62 log (longueur) + 5,70. La pente de cette équation présente une différence hautement significative avec celle de la courbe de la variation du nombre des néoblastes en fonction de la longueur. Donc des animaux plus gros ont une densité de néoblastes moindre, quoiqu’ils en possèdent plus, en valeur absolue, que les animaux plus petits.

6. On peut supposer que cette dernière observation a une incidence sur le problème de la sénescence chez les Planaires.

7. Le comptage d’objets sur coupes sériées est sujet à une surestimation qui peut être corrigée par la méthode d’Abercrombie. Cependant, cette méthode est basée sur une présomption qui n’est pas toujours valable. C’est pourquoi une formule de correction plus rigoureuse est proposée.

8. Cette formule a été appliquée à la mesure du diamètre nucléaire des néoblastes (fixés). Il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les diamètres nucléaires des néoblastes triploïdes et diploïdes.

The author wishes to acknowledge the skilled technical assistance of Miss Judith Whelan.

Estimation of nuclear population from microtome sections
Anat. Rec.
Cariologia di Dugesia lugubris (O. Schmidt)
Sulla reazione metacromatica delle cellule indifferenziate del parenchima di alcune Turbellari
Mon. Zool. Ital.
C. A.
N. L.
Statistical Analysis in Chemistry and the Chemical Industry.
New York and London
John Wiley and Sons Inc
H. V.
Number of neoblasts in the intact body of Euplanaria torva and Dendrocoelum lacteum
J. Embryol. exp. Morph.
H. V.
Planarian regeneration
Biol. Rev.
Contribution à l’étude de la migration des cellules de régénération chez les Planaires dulcicoles
Bull. Biol. Fr. Belg.
M. H.
M. H.
Microspectrophotometric analysis of metachromatic staining of nucleic acids
Physiol. Zool.
(esp. p. 304).
L. H.
Some technical methods for Hydra and Planaria
Trans. Am. microsc. Soc. Dept. Methods, Reviews, Abstracts and Briefer Articles
Etude histochimique des néoblastes de Dugesia lugubris (Turbellaire Triclade) avant et pendant la régénération
Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr.
Le comportement des néoblastes pendant la régénération de la planaire Dugesia lugubris (Turbellaire, Triclade)
Bull. Soc. zool. Fr.
P. S.
J. W.
A corner test for association
Ann. math. Statist.
K. J.
Cytological studies of the planarian neoblast
Z. Zellforsch. mikrosk. Anat.
T. B.
A quantitative-study of the population biology of Dugesia lugubris (O. Schmidt). (Turbellaria, Tricladida)
Les cellules de régénération chez la Planaire Dendrocoelum lacteum
Bull. Soc. Zool. Fr.


Corrections for multiple counting

The pitfalls of extrapolating from nuclear or cellular densities in one microtome section to the mean number within 1 mm3 or any given mass of tissue were discussed by Abercrombie (1946). In short, he showed that in any section some of the cells (or nuclei) are cut and appear in more than one of two or more adjacent serial sections, but are not recognized as being cut. Thus the number of cells, or objects, counted in a section represents more than just those cells the centres of which lie in that section. As the cell diameter approaches the section thickness, this overestimate increases. He derives a simple correction formula which is valid for any shape of object randomly distributed relative to the section position and thickness. This formula is
where P is the average number of objects (cells) with centres in the section, A is the crude count of the number of objects seen in the section, M is the thickness (in μ) of the section, and L is the average length (in μ) of the objects. Thus for 10 μ objects in 10 μ sections the overestimate is 100 %. When comparing relative densities of different objects, the results will depend on the section thickness unless this correction formula is applied to both sets of crude counts.

The L in Abercrombie’s formula is the mean true length (or diameter for spherical objects), which is different from the mean measured length when length is measured in sections. He implicitly assumes that all objects are cut and therefore takes the mean measured diameter as the mean chord of a circle or π / 4 times the true diameter. Although he argues that the error of density overestimation due to use of the mean measured diameter, in practice, seldom exceeds 10 %, the author thinks that it may be useful to consider a more rigorously derived formula for obtaining the mean true diameter from the mean measured diameter, valid for any object length and section thickness. This would serve the twofold purpose of enabling one to obtain mean true diameters (or lengths) from measurements based on sectioned material (if the objects are randomly distributed relative to the section thickness), and would allow one to use Abercrombie’s formula without introducing errors, albeit small ones, due to poor estimation of object length.

Consider a section of thickness T taken through a block of substance containing objects of diameter Dt (Fig. 5). All objects with centres lying between points A and D will be counted as lying in section T and will thus contribute to the mean measured diameter. Those objects with centres between B and C will be uncut and each will contribute a length Dt (the true diameter) to the mean measured diameter (Dm). The proportion of objects counted in the section T, having centres between B and C, is BC/AD or (T-Dt/T+Dt). All objects appearing in section T with centres not between B and C will be cut and each will contribute, on average, (π /4) Dt to the mean measured diameter (mean chord of a circle = π /4 × diameter). The proportion of cut objects is 1 - [the proportion of uncut objects], so we can write

Fig. 5.

Diagram to illustrate derivation of equation relating mean measured diameter of objects seen in serial sections to their mean true diameter. A, B, C and D = centres of spheres of radius Dt/2. T = thickness of section.

Fig. 5.

Diagram to illustrate derivation of equation relating mean measured diameter of objects seen in serial sections to their mean true diameter. A, B, C and D = centres of spheres of radius Dt/2. T = thickness of section.

which can be expressed as a quadratic equation in Dt :
which has as its solution :
Thus the mean true length of any normally distributed object can be determined from the mean length as measured in sectioned material, and the section thickness.

Measurements of nuclear diameters (taken as the average of two measurements at right-angles to each other, for each cell) were made for both diploid and triploid neoblasts. A sample of twenty-five diploid, and thirty-eight triploid neoblasts produced mean measured diameters of 5·6 ±0·8 and 5·8 ± 1·1, corresponding to mean true diameters of 6·8 (6·3-7·2, 95 % fiducial limits) and 7·0 (6·5-7·6, 95 % fiducial limits) respectively, for fixed cells, which is clearly not a significant difference.

However, for the conditions and data presented here, the difference in the Abercrombie correction factor for taking (4/ π)Dm instead of Dt amounts to only 1 %. Thus
Therefore the comparisons between diploids and triploids in part C are not affected by this correction as both correction factors are in agreement within the experimental error. The comparison in part B is also valid but the ‘number of neoblasts’ scale should be shifted to the right, as shown in the lower scale, so as to give the true number instead of the absolute count. The importance of this for the comparison of work performed in different laboratories can be seen in the Discussion.